chief of state authority in the home district by ignoring the high-tech city Dadri, Surajpur and Clera (DSC) Express by the way - they add to the development of the road was closed for six months. The problems with other residents of the three main sectors that fall.
Green Valley Road intersection in DSC Sector -49 Noida-Greater Noida Expressway to 45 meter wide road - they connect. Green Valley village of a few meters from the intersection of the dispute is pending the passage of years. It began six months ago was working for a few days. Then closed. Sector-46, 47 and 48 Ardblyue state officials charged with the respective authorities after informing many times not to lice crawling on their ears are. The everyday people - a must have.
Sector -47 Ardblyue general secretary Anup Roy says that six months ago high officials of the Authority had inspected the route. Soon to start construction of the road was assured. At that time also had a few days, then stopped. It is difficult to reach their home.
The rest of the road has been constructed. Way to becoming a Sector-46, 47 and 48 people have difficulty in reaching their home. When completed the route will be convenient for residents with three Sectorwasion. Sector -46 Ardblyue Chairman Anil Mishra says that the three Sectorwasion Noida Expressway with other people - they also have to contain Delhi and Greater Noida. DSC because the road sector development at the intersection -37 people have trouble getting to Delhi. Development work on the road Slarpur Bngel jam every time the condition persists. Direct route to the Sector -49 Express Green Valley intersection - they should be ready by then, with three Sectorwasion also happen to be residents. Sector -46 Rajiv Kumar says the former Secretary General of the Ardblyue Authority officials and district administration for ignoring the problem remains. The disruption in the way everyday people reach their home is adrift. Most troublesome relatives and friends are coming from other cities. Since there is no direct way to return them to the other sectors Bhatte hours. However, concerned officers after complaints were not heeded the warning.